Saturday, April 30, 2016

Unpacking the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (Forme...


  1. This was informative. I would love for these topics to be covered in our meetings and help up implement them with fidelity.

  2. This was an AWESOME webinar that I am sorry I missed. I remember when I was in graduate school, I was taught under the ISLLC Standards. I do remember when there were some slight changes made, and now realize how necessary those additional Standards were needed. I think that the examples that were given for each Standard was an excellent way to show how we are already participating with these Standards on a daily basis. Sometimes, we are currently doing things at school and we do not stop to think about what particular Standard we are following; we just do what is best for the needs of our school. There were a lot of great questions also. I definitely would like to learn more about the newer Standards that were added as I have not had as much work with these.

  3. I too was taught the ISLLC standards however I am aware of the current standards and often refer to them with my principal. It is excellent to idea to be extremely aware of the leadership standards so that we essence meet that "standard." I myself keep the standards posted in my office and constantly think to myself what standards my actions might fit into. This practice keeps myself "in line" and constantly up to date.
