Friday, February 14, 2014

Parent Weekly Update for the Week of February 17th

Thanks to all that participated in the IA School Night at Panda Express last Friday evening. There was a steady line (with flyer in hand) during the time I was there!  Thank you again.  I will update you with the amount of our proceeds.  Thank you again!

Vision and Hearing Screenings are a Maryland State requirement for all kindergarten, first and fourth grade students.  Screenings will be conducted at Imagine Andrews beginning Tuesday, February 18. If you do not wish to have your child screened, please send a signed letter in writing indicating your request and your child will be excluded.  Emails cannot be accepted.

Spirit Week is Monday, February 24th – Friday, February 28th

Monday, February 24- “I’m a “jean”ous” – All students and staff are encouraged to wear their jeans and their uniform shirt.

Tuesday, February 25- “Crazy Hair Day All students and staff are encouraged to wear their hair in a fun wacky way…

Wednesday, February 26- "Crazy Sock Day"- All students and staff will be encouraged to wear crazy socks.

Thursday February 27, 2013- “Stomp out the MSA”- All students and staff will be encouraged to wear their favorite boots or gym floor friendly shoes if they have P.E. that week!

Friday February 28- Pep Rally/"Team up for the MSA"- All Students and staff will be encouraged to wear their favorite team jersey or Imagine Andrews spirit wear.

Monday, February 17th – Schools and Offices Closed (President’s Day)

Tuesday, February 18th – Vision & Hearing Screening for K, 1, and 4

Wednesday, February 19th – Class Pictures, Student Council Meeting
PTO General Membership Meeting (6pm)

Thursday, February 20th- K-1 Awards Assembly (9:00 am)

Friday, February 21st- IA Eagle Pride Day

Monday, February 24th-Friday, February 28th- Spirit Week

Monday, February 24th- Monday Folders,
“I’m a “jean”ous “– All students and staff are encouraged to wear their jeans and their uniform shirt.

Tuesday, February 25th - “Crazy Hair Day” All students and staff are encouraged to wear their hair in a fun wacky way…

Wednesday, February 26th –Cheerleader Practice,
PEACE Team Meeting
"Crazy Sock Day"- All students and staff will be encouraged to wear crazy socks.

Thursday, February 27th – Claire’s Fundraiser Kickoff
“Stomp out the MSA”- All students and staff will be encouraged to wear their favorite boots or gym floor friendly shoes if they have P.E. that week!

Friday, February 28th - Pep Rally /"Team up for the MSA"- All Students and staff will be encouraged to wear their favorite team jersey or Imagine Andrews spirit wear.

We invite you to join the IAPCS PTO.  Membership is just $5.00 per adult! 

 Imagine Andrews is on Twitter!  Follow us @ImagineAndrews.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Parent Weekly Update for the Week of February 10th

IA School Night at Panda Express (8871 Branch Avenue, Clinton, MD) is TODAY, Friday, February 7 from 4:00-7:00. The flyer was sent home in Monday Folders The flyer must be presented at the time of purchase.

Congratulations to our 6th grade scholars for a dynamic STEM Fair on Thursday! 
STEM Fair winners:

Mrs. Richards' Homeroom :                                    Mrs. Surratt's Homeroom :
1st - Haylee H.                                                            1st - Lauren H.
2nd - Brianna D.                                                          2nd - Alexis M.
3rd - Nailah B.                                                             3rd - Alexia A.
Honorable Mention - Jalyn R. and Jordyn R.             Honorable Mention - Kyia B. and Chase R.

Congratulations to all our scholars that received awards at the 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assembly today.  Scholars received awards for Honor Roll, Principal’s Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, Perfect Attendance and No Tardies, and Character Development!

Kindergarten and First Grade 2nd Quarter Awards Assembly will be held on Thursday, February 13th.

IA will be collecting donations for the LLS Pennies for Patients! WE HAVE AN IAPCS DONATION PAGE!  Along with collecting money in school, donations can be made in seconds online!  Please forward the link below to EVERYONE YOU KNOW and see if we can make our goal of $2014.00 a reality!  Donations can be credited to your class goals so long as the giver leaves a comment with a scholar's name or a homeroom teacher's name.

(Once a donation is made, the giver will receive an immediate “Thank You” as well as a company matching/tax deduction form)



Friday, February 7th – College/Armed Forces Day,
IA School Night Panda Express Fundraiser (4:00-7:00)

Monday, February 10th – Monday Folders, Cheerleader Practice

Wednesday, February 12th – Cheerleader Practice, PEACE Team Meeting

Thursday, February 13th –K-1 2nd Quarter Awards Assembly

Friday, February 14th – Schools Closed for Scholars

Monday, February 17th – Schools and Offices Closed (President’s Day)

Tuesday, February 18th – Vision & Hearing Screening for K, 1, and 4

Wednesday, February 19th – Class Pictures, Student Council Meeting
PTO General Membership Meeting (6pm)

Friday, February 21st- IA Eagle Pride Day

Monday, February 24th-Friday, February 28th- Spirit Week
(Additional information will be sent home in Monday Folders)

Wednesday, February 26th – Cheerleader Practice,
PEACE Team Meeting

Thursday, February 26th – Claire’s Fundraiser Kickoff
We invite you to join the IAPCS PTO.  Membership is just $5.00 per adult! 

 Imagine Andrews is on Twitter!  Follow us @ImagineAndrews.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Parent Weekly Update for the Week of February 3rd

Second quarter report cards will be distributed on Wednesday, February 5 due to the recent inclement weather.

Wednesday, February 5 is also an “Early Release Day” for all scholars.  Imagine Andrews will be dismissing at 11:35 am.

IA School Night at Panda Express (8871 Branch Avenue, Clinton, MD) will be held on Friday, February 7 from 4:00-7:00.  Please let your family, friends, and neighbors know about our fundraiser night!  The informational flyer will be sent home in Monday Folders. The flyer must be presented at the time of purchase.

The 6th grade STEM Fair will be held on Thursday, February 6th.  You may view the projects from 5:30-6:30.  The winners will be announced at 6:45 pm.


Monday, February 3rd- Monday Folders

Tuesday, February 4th –PTO Executive Board Meeting

Wednesday, February 5th – 2nd Quarter Report Cards released,
Early Release Day for Scholars-
IA Dismissal time 11:35

Thursday, February 6th- 6th Grade STEM Fair

Friday, February 7th – College/Armed Forces Day,
2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assembly (9:00am-10:00am)
IA School Night Panda Express Fundraiser (4:00-7:00)

Monday, February 10th – Monday Folders, Cheerleader Practice

Wednesday, February 12th – Cheerleader Practice, PEACE Team Meeting

Thursday, February 13th –K-1 2nd Quarter Awards Assembly

Friday, February 14th – Schools Closed for Scholars

Monday, February 17th – Schools and Offices Closed (President’s Day)

Wednesday, February 18th – PTO General Membership Meeting (6pm)

We invite you to join the IAPCS PTO.  Membership is just $5.00 per adult! 

 Imagine Andrews is on Twitter!  Follow us @ImagineAndrews.

Parent Weekly Update for the Week of January 27th

The PTO is extending the date to purchase the Papa John’s Cards until Friday, January 31st. The pizza cards are $15 each.  The cards allow you to buy a large pizza at the regular price menu and get one free.  The card is valid for carryout only at participating locations in DC, MD, VA (flyer/form is attached). 

National School Choice Week is January 26- February 1, 2014. National School Choice Week provides an opportunity, to shine a positive spotlight on the need for effective education options for all children. Participants in National School Choice believe that parents should be empowered to choose the best educational environments for their children. Supporters plan events that highlight a variety of school choice options — from traditional public schools to public charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, online learning, and homeschooling.

On behalf of Imagine Schools and the Imagine Andrews PCS faculty and staff, I would like to say THANK YOU for making Imagine Andrews your SCHOOL CHOICE!

Prince George's County Public Schools uses the SchoolMAX Student Information System to manage student data, including grades, attendance records, and schedules. If you need access to SchoolMax, please contact Mrs. Brinson in the Main Office. 

IA School Night at Panda Express (8871 Branch Avenue, Clinton, MD) will be held on Friday, February 7 from 4:00-7:00.  Please let your family, friends, and neighbors know about our fundraiser night!  You will receive the informational flyer that must be presented at the time of purchase.


Friday, January 24th –PTO School Dance
K-2nd (3:00-4:30)
3rd-6th- (5:00-7:00)

Monday, January 27th- Monday Folders, Safety Patrol Meeting (3:00-4:00),
Cheerleader Practice

Wednesday, January 29th –Cheerleader Practice, Student Council Meeting

Thursday, January 30th – 2nd Quarter Report Cards

Friday, January 31st- Charter School Lottery Closes (5pm)
Yearbook Pre-sale Order ends
Papa John’s Fundraiser ends

Monday, February 3rd- Monday Folders

Tuesday, February 4th –PTO Executive Board Meeting

Friday, February 7th – College/Armed Forces Day,
2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assembly (9:00am-10:00am)
IA School Night Panda Express Fundraiser (4:00-7:00)


We invite you to join the IAPCS PTO.  Membership is just $5.00 per adult! 

 Imagine Andrews is on Twitter!  Follow us @ImagineAndrews.

Parent Weekly Update for the Week of January 20th

Help raise funds for the Imagine Andrews PTO!  The IAPTO is selling Pizza Cards for $15 each.  The cards allow  you to buy a large pizza  at the regular price menu and get one free.  The card is valid for carryout only at participating locations in DC, MD, VA (flyer/form is attached).  Forms were sent home in Monday Folders. Please return the form and your payment (cash only) by January 28.

The Yearbook pre-sale is going on now through Friday, January 31.  The pre-sale price is $16


Friday, January 17thMonday, January 20th Schools Closed

Wednesday, January 22nd -Cheerleader Practice

Friday, January 24th –PTO School Dance

Monday, January 27th- Monday Folders

Wednesday, January 29th –Cheerleader Practice

Thursday, January 30th – 2nd Quarter Report Cards
Friday, January 31st- Charter School Lottery Closes (5pm)
Yearbook Pre-sale Order ends
We invite you to join the IAPCS PTO.  Membership is just $5.00 per adult! 

 Imagine Andrews is on Twitter!  Follow us @ImagineAndrews.